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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  September 15, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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>> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening. it is wednesday, september 15. i am gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. >> the governor spent about an hour in san bruno late this afternoon to read the neighborhoods devastated by the deadly pipeline explosion. the governor was briefed by the national transportation board which is conducting the investigation into what triggered the blast. today he praised the quick
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response of emergency crews and promised that the investigation would be transparent to the mac if it was the fault of someone or something that had not been maintained you will know. there's no hiding of information i can guarantee you that. >> he also said his thoughts and prayers are with the family's. >> pg&e took almost two hours to shut up the gas lines and many lawmakers wondered why it took so long and whether new technology would have saved lives and homes. jana katsuyama investigated the delay. she asked the president some tough questions. she is live in san bruno now with more. >> reporter: gasia, two of day i asked pg&e's president on whether or not any gas lines have automatic shutoff valves but obviously they found this
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one did not create a family continued to clean up after last thursday's blast and many are asking why it took so long to shut off the natural gas flow that fueled the flames. >> it seems to me that should have been done automatically especially with something that can turn out to be the serious. >> reporter: concern comes after the revelation yesterday that while the fire reached pg&e crews took two hours to shut off shutoff valves that were a mile and a mile and a half away and they are a manual with know automatic remote control shutoffs. >> they're insecure locations so they are protected behind defenses and you have to get in and have picky and get into the protected area and attached the valve handle. >> reporter: we asked them why the gas was not shut up soon or. >> we have to look at what things should be deployed, those are the kinds of issues that we will have to work with the california public utilities
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commission that we address at. >> reporter: pg&e had conducted emergency drills but on that day it seemed at the valve said they had to fight traffic. >> i think it should be automatic. i think their should be to system so we have backup. >> it would have saved us two hours of this in for no. >> reporter: congressman plan to introduce bills for shutoff valves on natural grass lined. >> the technology did not exist, the technology exists now so i think it's a bigger piece of legislation. >> monitors of congress will propose those to monitor pipelines nationwide. >> force the companies to date to behave themselves. to monitor to be aware of the danger and begin immediate replacement of those most dangerous spy planes. >> reporter: the ntsb is
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investigating pg&e's performance that they prefer a live, jana katsuyama, k. to. >> critics say they may have sown the seeds of last week's disaster three years ago. in 20007 they asked the public utilities commission for about $5 million to replace a section of a pipeline that ruptured last week. in turn pg&e receive the money saying it would replace the section in 2,009 but came back asking for more money saying it would do the work in 2013. >> we are wondering why didn't they replace the section when they got the money to do this? >> some things happen when we are going down and a year later maybe some other item becomes more emergent we need to fix. that is why we will redirect funds to take things that are urgent today and go back and look and say what are the things that are urgent
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tomorrow? >> the national transportation safety board would not say the exact section of pipe that exploded is the one in the documents stomach efforts to restore the neighborhood only just beginning and so far pg&e is footing the bill. as ken pritchett reports it has been a great benefit to disaster victims who had eight home to return to. >> reporter: >> as this family looks from a distance at the rubble that once was the home. >> it was my home at ground zero. >> reporter: all they could do is take in the damage and the area that is still off limits but less than one block away the street was bustling with cleanup and restoration crews in one home being repaired the lungs to connie morales. >> they have taken off our clothes, and matters, window coverings and they are cleaning everything. >> reporter: the homeowners are not filing claims the work is offered free of charge.
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>> our next door neighbors are saying hey, can you come take a look at our house as well. >> reporter: insurance adjusters could be seen in surveying the damage of dozens of homeland and by the thursday night natural gas explosion created connie mireles was home at the time and even when her home was restored she says moving back will not be easy. >> i will never feel the same. it was an experience you'll never forget. >> reporter: a trade group says they're adjusters have not yet had an opportunity to survey the damage and come up with the concrete damage estimate they have a rough estimate now i tempted millions of dollars created in san bruno, ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. >> jacqueline greig and her 13- year-old daughter will be
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remembered at 7:00 tomorrow night at saint cecilia's catholic church in san francisco. at the funeral mass is scheduled to take place on friday morning. janessa was an eighth-grader where she was president of the student body and jacqueline greig worked for the state's public utility commission for more than 20 years pre-we have continuing coverage of the san bruno fire and explosion, click the tab on our homepage at not to san francisco where police are investigating a suspicious death. they found a woman in her 20s near mission street at about 11:30 p.m. a man called to report the death but when officers arrived that man was gone and investigators say the man called back in the night to supposedly surrender but never came to the police station. also in san francisco police say they have arrested two people following the shooting that left one man dead and another in serious condition. shots rang out around 7:00 p.m. near lincoln street in the
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bayview hunters point district. they identified the man as dennis wayne dixon. the two men arrested were 18 and 38 years old and were having a dispute with someone in the house stomach and award is posted tonight. the city of berkeley and bay area crimestoppers are often $17,000 in connection of a death last night create a 35- year-old man was walking with his fiancie went to people attacked him. he was shot numerous times and died at highly hospital in oakland. the shooters were seen driving away heading west on ashby avenue. oakland police are testing 15 new cameras that the officers wear on the street. they are turned on every time an officer makes a traffic stop and enters a home or post is any -- or posts any dangerous
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situation. >> we called in for assistance or report something they treat us as if we are the suspects. >> this would have been the best tool in the world for me because i would have been able to avoid even someone saying i was rude or are listening to them or anything of the sort. >> all footage taken will be stored at a police database department expects to have 350 cameras in place by winter storm at a small fire this afternoon sparked the closure of the offramp it started about 1:30 on a grassy hill in the center median next to the east bound to read the it starts to have acres and the ramp reopened at 4:00 p.m. there were no reports of any serious damage or injuries done that injuries. uc berkeley graduate who was in iraq underwent medical
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inquiry. she recently discovered a lump in her breast and it's unclear when they will return to the u.s. the 32-year-old appealed for the release of the other two uc berkeley graduates that are still in the present. >> all of my efforts today will go into how being procured the same freedoms for my fianci and my friend joshua because i cannot enjoy my freedom without them. >> officials arrested the trio in july last year and accused them of spying. she was released after a half million dollars bail was posted and it's not clear who paid the amount. >> state game officials reported there were a record number of shark attacks last month. they spotted sea otters with tons of shark bites and the average is seven dead or
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injured sea otters in the increase in attacks may have something to do with cooler than average ocean temperatures which may be ruling the sharks closer to the coast. it's a bit about the pace from bay area internet giant craigslist. what craigslist executives told congress today. >> a pack of cigarettes cost a smoker $7 but the remarkably high price it costs yo the pacific and there was a anwill tell you when.
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>> gubernatorial candidate meg whitman they stop today in san
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francisco she was at the headquarters of dell and spoke about jobs but money was the word of the day. she has now spent more of her own money on her campaign than any other candidate running for any office in u.s. history. $119 million. that amount surpasses the record for campaign sent by new york mayor michael bloomberg. within the next hour we will learn the results of the vote hundreds of the san francisco hotel workers took today that will impact one of the biggest hotels and tourism is rebounding as david stevenson reports it could be a sign of similar actions to come. >> reporter: workers at the hilton hotel in union square this afternoon were gearing up for a possible strike. >> we have got to stay outside as long as we can and we are ready for that. >> it's healthcare, pensions, wages and the right to
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organize. it is basically workload. >> reporter: 1,000 employees at 60 san francisco hotels have worked without a contract for 13 months and leaders say tonight straight -- tonight strike vote puts pressure on hilton and urges other hotels to make a deal. san francisco booking rates are up for a third consecutive month. >> our patience has run out and it's time to get one of those companies to negotiate a contract with. >> they will pay workers. we value them but we also need to be able to have contracts that are fair to the people not only working in hotels that own them as well. >> reporter: today's vote comes after a series of tickets this year and a spokesman says the hilton strike could damage his city's tourism industry. >> one of the advantages of packing those rooms with people is to keep the employees working and i think the union
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on the debt of gratitude to the owners would rather keep those employees working to put them on the streets. >> just over half of the workers voted tonight on whether to authorize a strike and if approved union leaders will meet on friday to discuss when a strike might begin. in san francisco, david stevenson. most of the levy systems recently tested in california's central valley do not meet agency safety standards. 7-center-dot tenet received an acceptable rating meaning they might not hold and the other three received a minimal rating. they have three other levies and some are in sacramento and yuba city. the man in charge of the massive gulf oil spill says today that blown out wells will be sealed and declared that by
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sunday. the deep relief well is just about intercepted with a damaged wall so that crews can begin pumping cement into it. the damage well has not leaked since mid-july when it was capped by months ago a rig explosion resulted in the death of 11 workers and led to the worst environmental disaster in u.s. history. craigslist executives told a congressional committee today they will not reopen the companies of dull services section on the u.s. website. the classified site shut down that section after being criticized by 18 state attorney general's concerned about trafficking of children. they cooperated and warned that the ads will migrate to other websites which the executives that are less likely to monitor their content for sexual breaks -- the sexual exploitation of children. a drug was banned back in
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january showing that meridia increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. the fda panel voted 8-8 to pull the drug and it's not clear when the fda will make a final decision. meridia has been marketed in united states since 1997. a report on industrial growth provided a climate wall street needed and the dow finished up by 46 points and nasdaq gained 11. >> antismoking advocates are pushing governor schwarzenegger to do more than help smokers quit and it could also save our state millions of dollars every year. >> reporter: surveys show 70% of smokers do want to quit. >> i have tried to quits 20 times and each time it's an
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addiction. >> the addiction is extremely difficult and i have struggled for a long time to try to quit. >> within a week or two something happens. i get stressed out and it's easy to go back to its. >> reporter: smoking cessation programs and counseling to work but they could pay off experts say smokers cost, california $8.5 billion a year. one pack of cigarettes cost a smoker about $7 but according to a new analysis a pack of cigarettes cost california's economy $27 in lost productivity and direct medical costs. >> there is a bill sitting right now on governor schwarzenegger's desk. >> reporter: it would mandate insurance coverage of smoking association it has been successful in other states is. >> 27% chose to quit because they have access to the services they need. >> reporter: it could save
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california $80 million, many lives and misery he. >> it back in be part of health insurance it would make my life easier. >> reporter: the governor vetoed a similar bill five years ago as too costly but it's estimated the plan would save insurers $1.40 for every $1 spent. john fowler, ktvu channel 2 news. parents are being warned that more than 1 million chucky cheese toys have been recalled. the restaurants rings and glasses can break and pose a choking risk because of breakable plastic. the defective toys were made in china. have you ever had the urge to bounce? and the first significant rainstorm may be heading our
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way. chief meteorologist bill martin will be here with your forecast. bay area news at 7:00 is a multimedia newscast created you can watch us online. we are streaming live on the web at
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>> a huge trampoline park opens up in san francisco called at
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at the house up their and is located in an aircraft hangar new the western edge of christie field. it consists of 42 trampolines covering an area about the size of a basketball court. for $14 you get one hour of jumping. inside activities might be perfect. >> just in time for the winter season or getting close to winter. . more clouds and maybe some sprinkles in the forecast. this is something you do not expect a late summer. i will show you there is fog and low cow -- low clouds along the coast of the forecast tomorrow is a lot like it was today. there will be clouds and fog and tomorrow temperatures are
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where they were basically maybe a degree or two warmer and showers in the extended. this is the system that i am tracking. as it drops in on friday may be some drizzle and friday night into saturday maybe some rain mainly north. i will show you the computer model in just a moment. here comes the computer model and as you see this is still a ways out. this run of this computer model it changes about every six hours as a new model comes out with adjustments. friday at 7:00 a.m. here it goes into saturday preview see the front group enough at 10:00 a.m. saturday. is that reinforce and -- rain for santa rosa? and what i see is they are all bringing something slightly significant to the north bay it
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just depends on how far south it gets. so your bay area weekend will be in the bull's-eye of some scattered showers possibly friday night, saturday, into sunday. none of this is huge but it could be a deal breaker for plans that you have this weekend. we will get closer and closer to the event and i will dial it in. these are your forecast highs as we move into your thursday. fog along the coast tomorrow, 70s in mountain view and paulo alto created showers remain on sunday as well so you get the picture. definitely a change in the weather and i will be back at 10:00 to update the forecast. it was a special celebration at the california academy of sciences that they've teamed -- the 15 year birthday of claude the
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alligator and they made alligator inspired birthday hats and albino alligators really only live in captivity. and you can see more of these events, click the tab on our homepage at that is our report for tonight. i am gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues online and with our 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. tmz is up next right here on tv36.
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